Special Session on Quality and specificity in agri-food sector |
- Marina Paolucci
Università degli Studi del Sannio
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Typical food products have unique quality attributes that are mostly expression of the specificity of a particular territorial context. In light of this, the improvement and promotion of the quality of agricultural food production become the central element of an integrated rural development strategy that provides for the assessment of the qualitative parameters. The study of the variables that characterize the typicality, the genetic and environmental heritage, the gene-environment interaction, the traditions related to the production process and the socio-cultural identity, defines the link with the areal production. Scientific research is a fundamental support for the identification of the product-territory relationship through genetic, qualitative and microbiological analyses. Quality attributes are analyzed to typify and define not only the sensory quality but healthiness and their beneficial effects. Also, considerable interest it has generated the exploitation of waste products of food chains by the recovery of bioactive molecules and the use of the same in the formulation of dietary supplements.